Our Führer

That Germany in the hour of its greatest need
produced a Hitler proves its life force.
— Bayreuth, 7 October 1923 Houston Stewart Chamberlain

At present we need courage and a brave heart, but above all confidence in what fate has given us, our Führer.
Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (Speech in Breslau on 19.10.1940)

If the Führer calls and commands, each of us must obey without question, whatever he may say. With the Führer we are everything, without him we are nothing.

Hermann Göring

You who carry the flags and banners and who march behind them, remember that you are fighting for the greatest cause that Germans have fought for in a thousand years, and do not forget who also gave you the symbol that goes with the idea: Hitler!

Alfred Rosenberg

The highest that a man can reach on this earth is to give his name to an historic era, stamping it indelibly with his personality. That is true in the broadest sense of the Führer. The present world is unimaginable without him.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels 1939

When one today speaks the word “Germany” in Sweden, England, France, New York, Japan, China, or Africa, everyone thinks immediately of Adolf Hitler. When one says Hitler, everyone immediately thinks of Germany. Adolf Hitler and Germany belong together. They are together a unity. Never before has fate bound a person so closely with a nation as it has Adolf Hitler and Germany.

Hans Schemm

All those nations who fought in the World War honor an “Unknown Soldier.” In Paris he rests under the Arc de Triumphe. In London his final rest is under black marble in Westminster Abbey. In Berlin he lives in the Reich Chancellery. Germany is the only nation in which the “Unknown Soldier” is not dead, but alive.

Swedish Academy Professor F. Böök, Stockholm

Found at https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/ah1942.htm

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