Oppenheimer was a Communist Madman By Mike King


J. Robert Oppenheimer // 1904-1967


After nearly seven decades of rehabilitating quackademic propaganda — capped off by the most hyped-up Hollyweird movie of 2023 — the mouthpieces of Mount Olympus have declared that suspected communist psychopath traitor scientist St. Robert Oppenheimer (cough cough) has now been conclusively proven to have been a loyal American who bled red, white & blue, right? (rolling eyes). The nice little Jewish boy was evidently victimized by the hysteria and paranoia of the “McCarthy Era ™.” That’s all. Suuuuure. Next (((they’ll))) be telling us that Karl Marx was falsely accused of Marxism.
The supposed “clearing” of the Red mark on Oppenheimer’s sainted name means little so many years after the fact; but it does offer us a good “teachable moment” ™ to review what a wretched human being that “the father of the atomic bomb” truly was.

The Fake News of the day transformed the mediocre TRAITOR into a genius saint. After he was stripped of his security clearance in 1954, he was then cast as a living martyr — a testament to the evils of “McCarthyism” and “antisemitism.” // Image 4: The glorification of this filthy lunatic continues today.

J. Robert Oppenheimer was a “theoretical physicist” — one who practices “science” by conjecture and elaborate mathematical calculations, not actual experimentation. While teaching physics at Berkeley, Oppenheimer, over the objections of some concerned military men, was named the wartime head of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos Laboratory, in 1942. Though his technical role in creating the monstrous weapon –which Jewish mad scientists such as Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard hoped to drop on German civilians — was nil to minimal, it is Oppenheimer who, absurdly, gets the historical credit as “father of the atomic bomb.” (((They))) always manage to get the credit for everything, don’t they?
In his role as Project Director, Oppenheimer — who himself had more communist front affiliations than one could shake a hammer & sickle at — opened the door and “looked the other way” as a whole rats’ nest of subversive Jews and other Marxists penetrated Los Alamos and passed on the secrets to their Soviet contacts. This has since been confirmed and double confirmed by the respective opening of Russian archives and the declassification of the astonishing Venona intercepts gathered by the US Army Signal Corps during the war. As a result, Stalin would have a bomb of his own by 1949 — way sooner than was expected. Though others associated with the Los Alamos espionage ring would in due time be disgraced, arrested or even executed — Oppenheimer the enabler was too important of a chess piece to sacrifice.
One year after the end of World War II, the communist-infested administration of Harry Truman named Oppenheimer as chairman of the General Advisory Committee of the newly created United States Atomic Energy Commission. Under the pretext of averting “nuclear proliferation” ™, Oppenheimer would use that position to lobby for international control of nuclear power (world government). During the “McCarthy Era” ™, those stances, together with his past associations with admitted Communist Party members — (including his brother, his wife, his landlord, and his ex-girlfriend!) — led to the revocation of Oppenheimer’s security clearance. Imagine that — telling an outspoken One-Worlder who absolutely reeked of redness that he may no longer have access the nation’s top secrets. Oh those horrible, horrible “McCarthyites!”
And thus was born the legend of poor Bobby Oppenheimer — the persecuted Jew who was smeared because he surrounded himself with Communist Party members. That could happen to anybody, right?

The fiendish Jewish mad scientists dreamed of burning cities full of German civilians. Their famous letter to FDR was the publicity stunt that led to the nurderous Manhattan Project. They would have to settle for roasting Japanese civilians instead.

1. Katherine Oppenheimer was a member of the Communist Party. A prior husband, before Oppenheimer, was a Communist partisan who was killed during the Spanish Civil War. She was impregnated by Oppenheimer (her future husband) while married to her 2nd husband. She became an alcoholic in later years. // 2. Robert’s brother, Frank Oppenheimer, was also a member of the Communist Party. // 3. Jean Tatlock — a “bisexual” and Communist Party member — was romantically involved with Oppenheimer during the 1930s. Oppenheimer was introduced to her at a fundraiser for the Communist side of the Spanish Civil War. Ms. Tatlock died by suicide in 1944. // 4. Mary Ellen Washburn was Oppenheimer’s landlord at Berkeley. She too was a Communist Party member; and had introduced the mad scientist to Jean Tatlock.

On a personal level, Red Robert was truly a rotten human being and quite insane (aren’t all Jewish Marxists?) An event which occurred in 1924 tells us all we need to know about the true character and mental state of this sainted charlatan. Oppenheimer had been accepted to study as a physicist at the prestigious Christ’s College of the University of Cambridge. While there, he was placed under the tutelage of a brilliant experimental physicist named Patrick Blackett — a true genius who would go on win a Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on cosmic rays and magnetism. Due to his own ineptitude in the laboratory (real science) — Oppenheimer became insanely jealous of Blackett’s skills as an experimental physicist. Oppenheimer’s “clumsiness” in the lab is a matter of admitted historical record. Frauds like Oppenheimer and Einstein may know how to crunch numbers, but they lack the creative mental stuff needed to discover and invent — and they know it!
In 1926, while on vacation with two friends, the mad young man confessed to them that he had to return to Cambridge immediately. In a fit of jealous wrath, Oppenheimer had coated an apple in noxious chemicals and placed it on Blackett’s desk. Afterwards, probably fearful of being discovered, he wanted to make sure that Blackett was alright. Fortunately, Blackett had not eaten the poisoned fruit. When informed of his dirty deed, the University began to move ahead with plans to press charges against the would-be potential murderer. After the intervention of his wealthy and well-connected parents, Oppenheimer was instead placed on academic probation and ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluations.
On another occasion, the insecure and ever-jealous psychopath tried to strangle a fellow roommate (and future famous writer) named Francis Fergusson, after he had announced to Oppenheimer that he had just gotten engaged to be married. Fergusson easily fended off the 130 pound weakling, and remained sympathetic to his pathetic school mate. Yet he had always and would always regard Oppenheimer as mentally ill (here). Indeed, Oppenheimer himself later told Fergusson that his troubles were caused and fueled by personal frustration with his experimental inabilities.
Incompetence at experimental science, a crackpot, an envious weakling, an almost murderer, a violent genocidal psychopath, and a communist — what could possibly go wrong by placing dangerous state secrets into the hands of such a miserable Marxist miscreant? No wonder Hollyweird and Quackademia love him. As for we the normal and decent, let’s keep that black mark on his name — for ever.

1. Patrick Blackett: future famous scientist — nearly poisoned by the envious lunatic Oppenheimer // 2. Francis Fergusson: Future famous writer — once physically attacked by Oppenheimer — had many stories to relate about the commie crackpot. Fergusson “At Southampton station Oppenheimer was standing on some stairs when he saw the woman below and tried to drop his suitcase on her head. He missed.” // 3. Oppenheimer, and his whole commie clique, were certifiable nutjobs.

Found at https://realnewsandhistory.com/oppenheimer/

2 responses to “Oppenheimer was a Communist Madman By Mike King

  1. Anna Cordelia Avatar
    Anna Cordelia

    Isn’t it interesting that Jewish Hollywood has put out the film Oppenheimer at a time when Israel could be closer than ever to implementing the “Samson Option.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very interesting point, sister. When it comes to jews I don’t believe any is just a coincidence.

      Liked by 2 people

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