“Nazi’s” Never Existed

There was never any such organisation as Nazi’s or a Nazi Party

The National Socialists (N.S.D.A.P.  Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) never referred to themselves as Nazi’s.
It was, as it still is today, a political slogan used as a repressive weapon for the purposes of stifling dissent – hypocritically, the very social condition the National Socialists’ enemies have accused purported “evil Nazi’s” of having inflicted upon the German populace of the 1930’s.
The term “Nazi” is nothing more than an epithet and after 90 years, it is high time we learned where it came from, who invented it and why.

The term “Nazi” was actually created by the Communist-Marxist enemies of the National Socialists (the NSDAP). It was/is a pejorative connotation; a belittling insult and a slur. The Germans, not Hitler, nor any other high ranking party officials ever referred to themselves as “Nazis”! They called themselves ‘National Socialists’ and nothing more.
Those who can read German and have studied any of the original documents and speeches, should know this already, but most do not. Yet the world and countless generations continue to echo this epithet as if it was as certain as the sun rising. This should give some insight into the mind manipulating power of media and propaganda. It should then, also give a clear indication of who is actually in control of the worlds media and propaganda – the Communist-Marxist enemies!

The term ‘Nazi’ (along with ‘Nazism’) is little more than a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden during the 1920’s, as a means of disparaging the NSDAP and the political and financial ideals of National Socialism in general. Heiden was a member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and conveniently, also an influential Jewish journalist for both the Frankfurter Zeitung and the Vossische Zeitung German newspapers. Heiden’s SDP was renowned for its internal conflict created by its elements of Marxist members and progressively during the 1920’s and early 1930’s, ultimately lost the majority of its seats in the Reichstag to the National Socialists. By 1933, of the 647 seats in the Reichstag, the NSDAP held 288, the SDP held only 120 and the Communist Party, a mere 81 seats.

The slang term Nazi is a variation of the nickname Sozi (short for Sozialisten), which, at the time, was used in reference to members of Heidens’ SDP. “Nazi” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “simpleton” or “country bumpkin” and derived from the fairly common name, Ignatz (German form of Ignatius), colloquially meaning, a foolish, clumsy or awkward person. It would be the equivalent of calling someone “nutsy.”
So, if for no other reason than it being an insult, it should be easily understood why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists and why they would never use it to describe themselves as such.
One should also see why it would be made popular by the Communist-Marxist agitating propagandists and understood how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive political movements – both within Germany and abroad – including the political leaders of the western powers, who clearly had been infiltrated by the same Communist-Marxist elements as well. [also see here]

It should immediately become apparent that, if there is no such thing as a “Nazi” – except in the propaganda which was invented and spewed by this man – then it follows logically, that there is also no such thing as a “Neo-Nazi” either. Those who would describe themselves as such are as ignorant as those who say they “hate Nazi’s” – they are equally deceived.
Further, again, if there was never any such thing as a “Nazi” (which includes the conspiratorial suggestion that there is purported magical etymology of ‘Na-Zi’) then there was never any political party merger between the National Socialists (Na-) and the Zionist Parties (-Zi), as gatekeeping and co-intelligence operations, even disseminated by the likes of Eustace Mullins, would suggest… there were never any ‘Zionist’ parties to begin with, let alone merger with them?
Those who believe and are led by such clever nonsense, are also equally deceived. This clever nonsense (along with much more) is used purely to misdirect people away from ever discovering the core truth of the Third Reich’s simple, however extraordinary achievements and more importantly, WHY and HOW they were achieved, which was in complete defiance of the well coordinated network of international politics and finance… the easy and simple truth of prosperity that can be obtained by all, which the international Communist propagandists fear the people of the world would ever discover, as it would see their monumental, parasitic power, disintegrate virtually overnight.

It is therefore, also highly likely, that those who promote ‘Neo-Nazism’ are also just agents whose job it is to keep the spectre of ‘evil Nazis’ alive in the minds of the divided and oppressed ethnic populations (as we also continually see with countless movies and allusions from all media), in order to continually effect the demonisation of all those who would dare question the whole history about Hitler, the National Socialists and WWII… which we have all, naively, been sold.

Further study at, Justice-4-Germans:
Demystifying the Transfer Agreement and the Alleged National Socialist-Zionist Merger; and,
The National Socialist-Zionist Merger Myth

According to Wikipedia:
[Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) was an influential Jewish journalist and historian of the Weimar Republic and “Nazi” eras, most noted for the first influential biographies of German dictator Adolf Hitler. Often, he wrote under the pseudonym “Klaus Bredow”]

Found at https://historicaltribune.wordpress.com/2016/12/11/nazis-never-existed/

2 responses to ““Nazi’s” Never Existed”

  1. ✞ 卐 Adolf😎HITLER 卐 ✞ Avatar
    ✞ 卐 Adolf😎HITLER 卐 ✞

    https://twelveyearsnotaslave.wordpress.com/2023/10/24/nazis-never-existed/ 💥
    🟢 https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/109875111064738173 ( 🐸 GAB 🐸 )
    https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/exposing-the-nazi-epithet-who-started-it-why-how-and-who-benefits/ ( ✞ )
    🟢 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS1SMJseiI8
    “ The term ‘ Nazi ‘ ( along with Nazism ) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden ( 7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966 ) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism. Heiden was a journalist & member of the Social Democratic Party !
    The term is a variant of the nickname that was used in reference to members of the SDP at the time “ Sozi ” ( short for Sozialisten ). “ Nazi ” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “ simpleton ” or “ country bumpkin ” and derived from the fairly common name Ignatz. It would be like saying “ nutsy ”.
    So, if for no other reason, one should easily understand why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists & why they would never use it to describe themselves. One should also see why it would be used & popularized by Marxist-Bolshevik agitators & understand how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive types, both within Germany & abroad, including the international media and political leaders of the western powers.” ( Metapedia )
    https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/exposing-the-nazi-epithet-who-started-it-why-how-and-who-benefits/ 💥
    ” LA VERITE 💡 NON CENSUREE SUR LE MOT ‘ NAZI ‘ INVENTE PAR LES ((( ☭ ✡︎ YOU👺PINS ✡︎ ☭ ))) ” by Ahmosis ✡︎ COHEN ©
    🟢 https://odysee.com/@didi18:e/NAZISME:6 ( ✞ )
    ” ✡︎ Konrad 💀 HEIDEN ✡︎ IS THE FUCKING ((( ☭ ✡︎ YI👺D ✡︎ ☭ ))) COCKROACH THAT INVENTED THE BULLSHIT 💩 WORD NAZI ” by White ✞ Europe ©
    https://spartacus-educational.com/Konrad_Heiden.htm 💥
    ” NAZI’s NEVER 💡 EXISTED ” by White ✞ Europe ©
    🟢 https://spartacus-educational.com/Konrad_Heiden.htm ( ✞ )
    ” LE 😨 PERIL LUCIFERIEN ((( ☭ ✡︎ JU👺IF ✡︎ ☭ )))︎ – INSTITUT FRANCAIS DES 💡 QUESTIONS JUIVES (1941) ” by White ✞ Europe ©
    🟢 https://odysee.com/@GoyimFrenchFrog:0/Le-Peril-Juif—Institut-des-questions-juives:6 ( # 1 ) Eng Subs
    https://odysee.com/@GoyimFrenchFrog:0/Le-Peril-Juif-PART-3–Institut-des-questions-juives:6 ( # 3 ) Eng Subs
    ” I’M NOT WHITE 👽 I’M FUCKING ((( ☭ ✡ JEW👺ISH ✡ ☭ ))) !!!! ” by Gas 👺 Kikes ©
    🟢 https://odysee.com/@easybakeovengirl:9/imnotwhiteimjewish:4 💥
    https://rumble.com/v1s4e4s-im-not-white-im-jewish-unofficial-video.html ( ✞ )
    ” IT’s THE ((( ☭ ✡ JE👺WS ✡ ☭ ))) STUPID ” by Harold ✞ COVINGTON ©
    🟢 https://odysee.com/@RCCollier:1/Edgar-Steele…-It’s-The-Jew’s-Stupid.–Part-13-by-Harold-Covington.:9 💥
    ” SMART ✞ MAN SAYS : IT’s 😨 THE FUCKING ((( ☭ ✡︎ KI👺KES ✡︎ ☭ ))) ” ©
    🟢 https://odysee.com/@didi18:e/Jim-How-Les-juifs-d%C3%A9clarent-la-guerre-%C3%A0-l'Allemagne:8 (Fr / En)
    ” DER 💪 STÜRMER # 1 ANTI ((( ☭ ✡ YI👺D ✡︎ ☭ ))) PROPAGANDA MEDIA 🎤 OF ALL TIME ” by Julius ✞ STREICHER ©
    http://der-stuermer.org/ (23 Languages) 💥
    🟢 https://christogenea.org/podcasts/frankfurt-school 💥
    🟢 https://odysee.com/@JonathanBowden:e/Jonathan-Bowden—New-Left-Marxism-and-The-Frankfurt-School—Audio-(2008):7 ( ‘ Jonathan Bowden ‘ )
    🟢 https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/lettersOct-Nov03/102903wsifrankfurtschool.htm
    The Frankfurt School a ✡︎ ☭ think tank that socially engineered destruction of western countries (White race, Patriarchy, Liberty, Free Speech, Christianity ✞ ..) thru sexual perversion, abortion & destruction of white ✞ family !
    ” 200 💀 YEARS TOGETHER WITH FASCIST ((( ☭ ✡︎ KI👺KES ✡︎ ☭ ))) 📚 | PDF ” by Alexander ✞ SOLZHENITSYN ©
    http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Solzhenitsyn-200-Years-Together-Encrypted.pdf 💥
    ” WORLD 💡 CLASS ANTI ((( ☭ ✡ KI👺KE ✡︎ ☭ ))) PROPAGANDA ” ©
    ♦️ https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/109133268488565498 ( 🐸 )
    ♦️ https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/110277172518731443 ( 🐸 )
    ♦️ https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/109826530667245126 ( 🐸 )
    ♦️ https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/110799621855757148 ( 🐸 )
    ♦️ https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/109212510942086505 ( 🐸 )
    ♦️ https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9/posts/109875111064738173 ( 🐸 )
    Communism 💀 Judaism Most Genocidal Fascist Ideology of All-Time !
    From 1917 to 2023 the fucking ((( ☭ ✡︎ KI👺KE ✡︎ ☭ ))) cockroaches killed 😨 275 000 000 white ✞ innocents (children, women, men ..) !!
    Communism = Socialism = Bolshevism = Dictatorship = Kikes # 1 Mass murderers of all time !

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