Calumny For Kissinger: Jewish Destructor

Version II edited for other eyes

DEC 3, 2023
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.”
-Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 155

The announced death of Jew Henry Kissinger (real name Loeb. His great-great-grandfather adopted the name of a Bavarian spa town) comes as a reprieve from decades of mass slaughter and misery for many millions around the world, brutal Big Lies and deceptive scheming, grave and grand injustices, corrupt venality and greed, war-mongering, power-tripping, and great progress toward the Jew World Order closing its claws around us all today.

The vile man died at age 100, and while many Jews live long lives that would have killed other folks from the burden of guilt and shame of their deeds, Jews such as Kissinger seem to feed on this dark energy to prolong their lives. No one has confirmed what other perverse practices could have prolonged his life, since members of the Jewish Power elite are highly guarded on the subject—unless they want a limited hangout such as the Epstein disclosures.

Plenty of the memorials on Kissinger’s death are calumnies rather than eulogies, reminding us of Kissinger’s central role in the illegal and clandestine bombing of Cambodia and Laos with its millions of innocent civilian deaths. An estimated 2 million Cambodians were further mass murdered by the Khmer Rouge Communist regime under Pol Pot which Kissinger’s bombing destabilization helped to install. Kissinger oversaw the inhibition of and then the ending of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war to cede North Vietnam to the Communists. Solzhenitsyn said the U.S. abandoned the Vietnamese people to the horrors of Communist dictatorship, and I say Kissinger was the main architect.

“However, the most cruel mistake occurred with the failure to understand the Vietnam war. Some people sincerely wanted all wars to stop just as soon as possible; others believed that there should be room for national, or communist, self-determination in Vietnam, or in Cambodia, as we see today with particular clarity. But members of the U. S. anti-war movement wound up being involved in the betrayal of Far Eastern nations, in a genocide and in the suffering today imposed on 30 million people there. Do those convinced pacifists hear the moans coming from there? Do they understand their responsibility today? Or do they prefer not to hear?”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Harvard University Speech, 1978

War-Monger War Criminal Jew
Kissinger personally opened diplomatic relations with Communist China, which led to the destruction of the U.S. manufacturing base, the implosion of the middle class and rise of the working poor and zombie hordes, and the transfer of most of the well-paying manufacturing jobs from the U.S. to China. This has led to today’s vulnerable dependence on China for most of our manufactured goods including questionable medical supplies such as dangerous vaccines and much else, and to the appalling “wealth gap” rapidly moving U.S. demographics toward a Hunger Games society of super-rich Oligarch Technocrats and destitute slaves. Kissinger further destroyed our middle class and manufacturing power by advocating and supporting NAFTA which transferred any remnants to Mexico and beyond, in cooperation with his fellow Jew Rahm Emanuel. Kissinger said of NAFTA: “It will represent the most creative step towards a new world order…”

This Jewish “diplomat” involved himself—and thus all the U.S.—in such atrocities as the civil war in Pakistan, the revolution in East Timor vs. Indonesia, and the deposing of Communist leader Salvador Allende (Basque/Belgian) in favor of the so-called dictator Agusto Pinochet (Basque/French) in Chile. War crimes were committed in these theaters and Kissinger was at the center of a web of intrigue and manipulation orchestrating the atrocities.

Kissinger was a foremost proponent and promoter of the “Cold War,” even publishing two books called Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (1957, Council on Foreign Relations, now dominated by Jews) and The Necessity for Choice (1960, Harvard Center for International Affairs), wasting uncountable $billions and probably $trillions in opportunity costs by panicking the U.S. over an alleged “missile gap.” The good such wealth could have done for the U.S. and the world cannot be calculated, but instead Kissinger poured it down the drain of a phony and engineered alleged competition with the Soviet Union.

Essential reading to understand the enormous support of all kinds—financial, military, material, industrial, political/diplomatic, economic—the U.S. poured into the Soviet Union starting with the largely Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, expanding enormously during World War II with Lend/Lease supplies (an act drafted and pushed by Treasury Jews Harry Dexter White/Weiss and Henry Morgenthau Jr.), and continuing throughout the course of the “Cold War’ even including the period of the Korean War when ostensibly the U.S. was in a hot war with the U.S.S.R., is The Zionists: Zionist Wall Street by Judge George W. Armstrong.

Kissinger was assisted in his “Cold War” mongering by fellow Jew Hermann Kahn who helped generate mass fear of nuclear bombs.

Jewish Kahn wrote books too provoking the nuclear scare and “Cold War”

Engineer of the Jew World Order
Kissinger had many Jewish mentors, cohorts, cronies and co-Supremacists, presented in:

“Origins of the World Economic Forum Revisited”

Kissinger’s first significant mentor was Fritz Kraemer, Jew. Kramer found his protege in U.S. military intelligence while using espionage to fight “Nazis,” and trained Kissinger toward his career as the world’s foremost mass murderer, nation wrecker, wide-spreader of misery and poverty, and sadistic oligarch.

Pentagon Strategist Fritz G.A. Kraemer, National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, and President of the United States of America Richard Nixon at the Oval Office, The White House in Washington DC.

Jew Kraemer (left) with Kissinger and Nixon at Oval Office

Kissinger personally discovered and groomed Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, to become today’s droning specter of the Great Reset, our impending technocratic tyranny. Kissinger spoke with Schwab on stage (by virtual stream) at the WEF’s 2022 annual conference, in a speech titled “Kissinger: These are the main geopolitical challenges facing the world right now.”

Klaus Schwab, Kissinger Protege

The World Economic Forum is stocked with a number of powerful influential Jews on its Board of Trustees, including Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, Carlyle Group founder and CFR Chairman David Rubenstein, Bain Chair”man” Orit Gadiesh and Salesforce founder Marc Benioff, among others. Kristine LaGarde, also on the Board of Trustees, as the EU central bank president disclosed that she is 1/4 Jewish in a 2018 speech graciously accepting the IMF’s World Leader Award, “promoting peace, tolerance and respect.”

Kissinger’s influence on these WEF Jews can be seen in such examples as Fink adopting Kissinger’s “constructive ambiguity” policy toward ESG, and Rubenstein funding the “Lessons in History Series” at the CFR where Kissinger spoke, also as recent as 2022.

Lagarde was the first woman to deliver the Kissinger Lecture through the Library of Congress administered by the John W. Kluge Center, in 2018. “…the Kissinger Lecture aims to foster non-partisan discussion on foreign relations. The lecturer is selected by the Librarian of Congress based on their achievements in the field of foreign relations.” Lagarde’s topic was largely about the damaging effects of “corruption” on the peoples and economies of the world! I call this chutz-pocracy (Jewish chutzpah hypocrisy).

Kristine Lagarde, 1/4 Jew, Kissinger crony. Concerned about “corruption”

The “many friends and admirers of Dr. Kissinger” fund and administer the Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations at the Kluge Center, providing “A stipend of $13,500 per month during the term of appointment…” which can last 10 months for the scholar honored with the appointment. Further, “…the Kissinger Scholarship is one part of a wider Kissinger Chair Program that supports a range of activities in the study of foreign policy and international relations.” This is only one avenue through which the ghost of Kissinger will continue to project power after his death.

Kissinger Zionist
During the so-called Yom Kipur War of 1973, Kissinger used his power and position as Secretary of State to eventually fully support Israel, even arranging for huge shipments of valuable war armaments to Israel. This pro-Zionist policy by Kissinger led to the spike in oil prices as the Arab nations in OPEC almost quadrupled prices and nationalized oil infrastructure, including by Sadam Hussein as vice president in Iraq. The U.S. economy tanked and struggled, spreading more poverty, and people waited for hours in long lines at gas pumps.

Initially however, Kissinger delayed war supplies to Israel in order to further incite and extend the conflict, at a cost of 10s of 1000s of lives on both sides.

Jewish Antisemite?
Despite these obviously pro-Zionist and Jewish Supremacist policies and practices, the Jewish Forward insists Kissinger was “antisemitic.” Titled: “‘If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic,’” it provides the following statement attributed to Kissinger: “…if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern.” Further, “Kissinger was irked by the concern expressed by American Jews about the fate of Soviet Jewry, calling the former ‘self-serving…bastards.’” Forward Jewish author Benjamin Ivry conveys the outrage of Jews that Kissinger opposed the building of the Holocaust Memorial Museum on the National Mall, and other apparent slights and even offenses to Jews. Kissinger was caught in 1973 saying “I’m going to be the first Jew accused of antisemitism.” Ivry is suitably outraged since history has seen many examples of “self-hating” Jews. This is all a combination of obscuring the Jewish Issue in media, deploying the psy-war weapon of Confusion, and fabricating another insult to Jews while deflecting assessment of Kissinger’s otherwise obvious Jewish Supremacism.

(Incidentally, this note on the Forward essay shows that while Jewish IQ may be slightly higher than Whites in the verbal category, it is sadly deficient in the math category: “Editor’s Note: This story about Henry Kissinger, who has died at the age of 100, was originally published on May 27, 2021 on the occasion of his 100th birthday.”)

Alt-Media Omissions So Far
David Duke has no statement as yet, nor National Vanguard, Occidental Observer, Counter Currents, Red Ice, Kelly/Atwill on Our Interesting Times, National Justice Party, Eric Striker… All outlets we would expect to see denunciation of Kissinger as architect of the Jew World Order where no others will. Perhaps they need another day or two.

To its credit disgrace, The Unz Review is current on a Kissinger statement, but it is a shameful eulogy and grotesque praising of Kissinger, concluding: “…his reason was to maintain stability in a dangerous world.” Titled “The Real Kissinger – My Memories of Henry: A different Interpretation of the Man” by Paul Craig Roberts, this white-washing, Jew-obscuring, war crime-exonerating celebration of Kissinger has to be read to be believed. I would have loved to read the Comments, but strangely, none seem allowed on this post, while other essays posted on Unz Review display comments. We saw Roberts exposed as a possible psy-war provocation agent in the essay “Right-Wing ‘Alternative’ Media Agitating US Race War Through Chauvin Trial Reporting.”

Central Jewish Spider of the World Control Web
In the end, among all the many eulogies and calumnies for and against Henry Kissinger, almost none mention much of his leading role in advancing the Jewish Power Elite agenda, the Jew World Order plan, and world-wide Jewish Supremacy. Here we do. Kissinger’s decades of machinations at the center of the U.S. Jewish State power web extending around the world to the worst war crimes atrocities, mass murder of civilians, toppling of regimes inconvenient to Jewish capitalist banksters, promotion of Jewish-backed Communist regimes while appearing to appease them, and overall evil deeds on an epic scale add up to the most vast furtherance of that Jewish agenda of anyone in his time.

We would allow ourselves a breath of relief that he is dead, except his ghost still haunts us through the many Jews and Jew-minions he has trained and placed to lead the Jewish Supremacist polarity plan onward to the final Jew World Order One World Government (JWO-OWG).

We too live on to inform, inspire and organize our resistance against Kissinger’s lethal legacy, and prepare the path of advance to a counter-semitic White World Order.

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